Bharat Virasat-Brick Temple, Bhittargaon

Brick Temple, Bhittargaon

Place of Worship. Hindu


The temple at Bhitargaon is the largest Indian brick temple to survive from the time of the Gupta Empire. Despite being heavily restored, a number of original features remain.

The Bhitargaon Temple is a terraced brick building fronted with a terracotta panel. It has a roof and a high shikhara.

Its upper chamber sustained some damage in the 19th century.

The temple faces east and is built on a square plan with double-recessed corners. There is a tall pyramidal spire over the garbhagriha. The walls are decorated with terracotta panels depicting Shiva, Vishnu, and other deities.

Constructed in:

5th century CE


21 m


15m x 15m


The temple stands on a platform with a square base measuring apprixmately 15m on each side. The double storied sanctum is 4.5m x 4.5m on the inside. The height of the shikhara is about 21m.

The wall thickness is 8 feet and the size of bricks used in the construction of the temple is 18" x 9" x 3"

