Bharat Virasat-Ibrahim Rauza

Ibrahim Rauza

Historical Monuments. Tombs and Mausoleums


The Ibrahim Rauza is a complex consisting of a mausoleum and a mosque, located in Bijapur, Karnataka. It was built in the 17th century by Ibrahim Adil Shah II, the fifth ruler of the Adil Shahi dynasty that ruled from Bijapur as its capital.

The Tomb and the Mosque are are situated on a high plinth in the middle of a walled garden about 140 metres square. Entrance to the plinth is via flights of stairs provided on the north and the south.

The Tomb, which is on the eastern side of the premises has a square base of about 35m, and is crowned with a dome, which rises from a lotus-shaped base. The dome has a finial on top. There are four slender minarets at the four corners of the tomb, which stop well short of the height of the dome, which rises about 40m above the base.
There are a number of cenotaphs in the tomb, including that of Ibrahim Adil Shah II, his Queen Consort, Taj Sultana, and other members of the family.
The tomb has several delicately carved teak windows and jalis which are in various states of disrepair.

The mosque, which is on the western side of the complex has a smaller, rectangular base of 23m by 35 m. It too has a dome, which rises from a much more slender base, and has four minarets at the corners which rise to the entire height of the dome, along with a number of smaller minarets along the front eave. The mosque has an exquisitely arched central hall, along with smaller halls on the left and the right.

A tank of approzimately 16m by 22m stands in the courtyard separating the tomb and the mosque.

The entrance to the complex is marked by a tall gate, with arched central gate, and two minarets at the two extremities.

Constructed in:

17th century CE


42 m


35m x 35m


The tomb was commissioned by Ibrahim Adil Shah II, and completed in 1626. It was intended for Taj Sultana, the queen of Ibrahim Adil Shah, but he died before her and was interred within the tomb.

Ibrahim Adil Shah II ascended the throne as a nine year old in 1580 upon the death of his uncle, king Ali Adil Shah I.

A number of regents, including Chand Bibi, ruled the kingdom until 1591, at which time he assumed kingship in his own right.


An inscription credits Malik Sandal as the architect of the complex.

150,000 huns were expended in its construction.



Indian Citizens

25 /-

Time required

2 hours


Gol Gumbaz

(3.64 kms)


Durga Temple

(91.69 kms)

